Preaching #84

I learned long ago when in pastoral ministry not to take my rest day on a Monday. Main reason, I was still motivated and energized by the services (sometimes 2 and sometimes 3) the day before. At times I also had to pick up some of the reprecusions from the Sunday.

The Monday after the Sunday before could often be productive in preparation for the following week because I at least was still reflecting on what had been said and done the day before even if others were down to their 5% of remembering.

If in particular I was preaching from a series I was often ready to build and shape the next sermon, still somewhat in the flow.

I have had a similar experience these past weeks preaching three Sundays in a row at the same Church from the book of Exodus…Chapters 2, 3, and 4.

I have found that moving from the energy of the morning into some preparation for the following week in the Sunday afternoon has resulted in an early draft.

I like an early draft, for then as I put it down, to get on as it were with my day job, it remains in my subconscious, brewing away, and I can more easily, pick up and develop certain aspects of it, questions to be answered in the text, commentaries to be consulted, and illustrations and stories to be shaped.

So advice, (create your own series if you do not have one) and go with the adrenalin and the flow of one sermon into the next.

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